Jun-ichiro "itojun" Hagino, resume
$Id: resume.html,v 1.92 2007/10/26 15:33:49 itojun Exp $
Current Positions
Brief history
Jun-ichiro Hagino was born 1970 as Jun-ichiro Itoh, in Tokyo Japan.
He is often called "itojun" for short.
He has been playing (or, "hacking" --- please do not misundrestand,
"hacking" and "cracking" are DIFFERENT) with computers since his elementary
school days.
His interest into the computers got deeper when he got the first modem,
and get hooked up to the computer network, in his highschool days.
Since then, he is famous for creating free softwares,
for both DOS and UNIX systems.
His main topic at this moment is IPv6 and IPsec.
He was a core researcher at KAME Project,
which aimed to provide IPv6 and IPsec technology in freely redistributable form.
In the past, he attended Keio University in April 1989 (note that the school
year starts in spring in Japan), and received Bachelor in Electrical
Engineering (March 1993), Master in Computer Science (March 1995),
and Ph.D degree (March 1998).
In parallel to the life as a doctor candidate at Keio University,
he was working at Sony CSL, as Visiting research student since April 1993,
and as Assistant Researcher since January 1996.
(this kind of carrier path is very unusual in Japan)
He has been doing research and development in operating systems,
networking and multilingual processing domain.
He is interested in deploying the ideas of "free software" and
free BSD UNIX variants to public.
He was awarded an "1996 JSSST Takahashi Award" for his paper
titled "Implementing IPv6 protocol stack onto the Apertos operating system".
Job History, in reverse-chronological order
(items in bold font are current positions of me right now)
- always: free software activist
actively ongoing projects:
- October 21, 2007-: Techical advisor at Nihon CAD
- September 2007-: Program Committee Member of AsiaBSDCon 2008
- September 2007-: A staff member at 2008 Japan SF convention osaka
- August 15, 2007-: Senior techical advisor at Lepidum Inc.
- August 14, 2007-: Techical advisor at OpenBSD Support Japan
- May 2007-: Technical lead at ipv6samurais.com
- April 2006-: 2007 WorldCon/Japan SF convention
networking team leader
- March 2004-: WIDE project board member
- April 1, 2003-September 30, 2007: Senior Researcher at
Research Laboratory,
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
- April?, 2003-: A member of inquiry commission for
Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA)
Open Source Software funding project
- March 17, 2003-March 11, 2005: a member of Internet Architecture Board
- Feburary? 2003-March 2004: WIDE project internet area director
- September 2002-March 2006: NetBSD security-officer
- August 14, 2002-May 14, 2003: IETF v6ops co-chair
- April 1, 2002-July 1, 2002:
Ministry of public management, home affairs, posts and telecommunications
computer communication advisory board,
internet infrastructure subcommittee, IPv6 working group member
- April 1, 2002-:
Visiting associate professor at
Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
- Feb 2002: Program Committee member of USENIX BSDCon 2002
- April 1, 1998-March 31, 2006: Core Researcher at
KAME project
- April 1, 1998-: Researcher at
Research Laboratory,
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
- July 1997-?: Internetworking/UNIX server consultant at
Digital print corporation
- "tanmen" automated jpeg-to-photograph printing server
- September 1996-?: Internetworking consultant at
Mitsubishi Research Institute
- January 16, 1996-October 6, 1997: Assistant researcher at
Sony CSL
- Apertos object-oriented operating system
- 1996: Apertos stabilization project #2
- Internetworking
- 1997: ip security tiger team
- 1997: WIDE IPv4/v6 IPSec implementation on FreeBSD
- 1997: DNS client server daemon
- 1997: WIDE "hydrangea" IPv6 implementation on FreeBSD
- Spring 1996: (experimental) IPv6 router implementation
on Apertos operating system
- April 1995-Winter 1996: Internetworking consultant at
Nissan Motors Co.
- 1995: installation of secure (firewalled) internet environment
in various department in Nissan Motors Co.
- September 1993-January 15, 1996: Visiting research student with per-hour
payment at Sony CSL
- Apertos object-oriented operating system
- Winter 1995: experimental virtual machine for Apertos
- 1994-1995: Apertos stabilization project #1
- 1994: device driver execution environment
for Apertos operating system
- 1993-1994: Apertos on i486 PCAT
- Internetworking
- 1995: installation of secure (firewalled)
internet environment
in Sony Headquarters
- 1995: enterprise RIP->OSPF transition
(as graduate student in Keio University)
- April 1993-September 1993: Visiting research student without payment at
Sony CSL
- Apertos object-oriented operating system
- 1993: Apertos on i486 PCAT
- April 1993-September 1993: Network/computer administrator at
Sony CSL
- sometime 1989-1990: Programmer/designer/consultant at
Quality Corporation
- Experimental car navigation system
- English-to-Japanese translation assistance system
- April 1989-August 1989: Programmer/designer at
Mitsubishi Research Institute
- Tiny CAD system for construction companies
- Sales-forecast system for pleasure boat sellers
- sometime 1985-1989: Assistant programmer at Boot System Japan
- Terminal Servers and BBS systems
- sometime 1985-1989: Network administrator at MasterNet
- sometime 1985-1989: Freelance programmer
- HDLC protocol handler written in i8086 assembler
- QuickDraw compatible library for PC-9801
- sometime 1972-1975: Model for "Graph-sha" publishing company
Educational History, in reverse-chronological order
Favorite languages: C with POSIX libraries, C in BSD UNIX kernel, and perl.
- Internet technologies, both implementation (KAME IPv6/IPsec) and specifications (RFCs)
- Operating system programming/design, including mind-blowing OOOS in SonyCSL and Sony HQ (Muse/Apertos/Aperios), as well as *BSD camps (no other person have comimt rights to 4 BSDs - including Apple Darwin)
- Programming language systems programming/design
- Embedded systems programming/software design
- Multilingual processing (especially in text editors/curses/regex)
- Released and supporting massive number of free softwares:
for DOS, Macintosh and BSDish UNIXes.
- Over 20-years experience on programming in C
- Over 20-years experience on programming intel ix86 processors.
- Over 15-years experience on UNIX and Internetworking.
- Over 14-years experience on programming in perl.
- Over 4-years experience on programming in C++.
- Over 4-years experience on programming MIPS R3000/4000.
- Experiences in Pascal, Common Lisp, Scheme, Prolog, Basic:-)
Z80, 6809, 6502, PDP-11, etc.
- Natural Languages: Japanese and English for professional purposes.
Chinese and Korean just for travels
- Writing: both technical and non-technical
- Sci-fi hints: a lot of geek stuffs from Tokyo, the paradise of geeks
- Ph. D (Keio University, computer science: March 1998)
- Master of engineering (Keio University, computer science: March 1996)
- Bachelor of engineering (Keio University, electronic engineering: March 1994)
- Driver's license - normal 4-wheel vehicle, large motorcycle (over 400cc)
- 4th-grade Amateur radio operator (Japan domestic)
- Highschool/Jr. High mathematics teaching license (Japan domestic)
[in Japanese] /